Thursday, May 8, 2008

It's Been a While!

Oh, wow! It has been a while since I last checked in. I am so bad about keeping up with a blog! I have the best intentions, but then I always get behind. We had such a wonderful visit with Janice! Dinner last Wednesday was great. Everyone came, and we had such a great time of talking and laughing. After dinner a few of us went to Starbucks to keep talking. It was great! We got so many fun pictures! I'll have to post some of them.

In other exciting news, I joined Weight Watchers!!! I'm doing well so far. Well, I guess we'll know for sure when I have my next weigh-in! I think I'm doing well, though. I've also been walking! It feels good to know that I am finally doing something positive for myself. I think as I go along and start memorizing the points value for a lot of the different foods that I eat, it will be easier to keep a running total in my head. Right now, I still have to look everything up. The eTools on their website is awesome!! I would highly recommend it to anyone that is doing WW. I've been logging in all of my food, tracking my points, finding recipes, etc. I've even posted a couple of times on their message boards. Fun!

Well, I'm expecting my boss to get here any minute, so I better look busy! LOL!

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